Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014



WWW "What We Want"

Recipes and Ways of Making

          Indonesian food is one of the types of foods that are rich in spices, balanced combination of seasoning and other ingredients make this food so popular, both native and foreign tourists are very fond of the typical Indonesian food taste, aroma and flavor characteristics are very thick with Indonesia , in addition to the natural food ingredients, which is certainly useful for health. please try

 1. Sea Food Fried Rice  ( Nasi Goreng Sea Food)

nasi-goreng-seafoodIngredients Sea Food Fried Rice - fried rice is a dish that is widely known and many mengkin already know the ingredients and how to make it. but here I will give you information on how to make fried rice with sea food flavor five-star hotel. fried rice you would make at home seemed to eat at five-star hotel. famous sea food fried rice with high cholesterol as well as duck rice, by that because we have to make fried rice that is low in cholesterol. As for the ingredients as follows: 


500 grams of white rice, not too mushy
200 grams of shrimp, then peel and set aside its tail
100 grams snapper fillets, cut into pieces
100 g pineapple, cut into pieces
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 onion, chopped
60 grams of squid, cut into pieces
1 tablespoon sesame oil
Cooking oil to taste
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon pepper powder
1 gram peas
1 teaspoon salt
2 cm ginger, chopped

How to make a seafood fried rice:

First cooking oil and sesame oil is heated
Then saute garlic, onion, ginger until fragrant scent
Once fragrant then add the shrimp, snapper, squid and stir until blended Enter white rice, add soy sauce, soy sauce, pepper powder, salt and mix well and serve in a white plate will be more visible good
try the sea food fried rice recipe is presented with a variety of ice or other hot beverages
In Indonesian
500 gram nasi putih, jangan terlalu lembek
200 gram udang, lalu kupas dan sisihkan ekornya
100 gram kakap fillet, dipotong-potong
100 gram nanas, dipotong-potong
3 siung bawang putih, dicincang
1 buah bawang bombay, dicincang
60 gram cumi, dipotong-potong
1 sendok makan minyak wijen
Minyak goreng secukupnya
1 sendok teh kecap manis
1 sendok teh kecap asin
1 sendok teh lada bubuk
1 gram kacang polong
1 sendok teh garam
2 cm jahe, dicincang

Cara membuat nasi goreng seafood :

Pertama minyak goreng dan minyak wijen dipanaskan
Kemudian tumis bawang putih, bawang bombay, jahe hingga tercium aroma harum
Setelah harum maka tambahkan udang, ikan kakap, cumi dan aduk hingga rata Masukkan nasi putih, tambah kecap manis, kecap asin, lada bubuk, garam dan aduk hingga rata, hidangkan di piring berwarna putih akan lebih terlihat enak
cobalah resep nasi goreng sea food ini sajikan dengan aneka es atau minuman hangat lainnya
Please try, it's good

2. Recipes Make Delicious Milkfish Practical Asem Asem (Resep Membuat Asem Asem Bandeng Enak Praktis)

Resep Membuat Asem Asem Bandeng EnakIf you are curious about the taste and keen to try making it, without long - longer, here's a recipe to make tamarind tamarind milkfish that you can practice at home.

Material Making Asem Asem milkfish:

2 large tail banding, cleaned and cut into pieces (give a little bit of lemon juice and salt so that the smell of mud lost)
6 cloves garlic (thinly sliced​​)
6 pcs onion (thinly sliced​​)
1 piece of ginger (sliced ​​like matchsticks)
1 piece of ginger (sliced ​​like matchsticks)
1 piece turmeric (sliced ​​like matchsticks)
5 pcs sliced ​​oblique cayenne pepper (to taste)
2 pcs tomatoes
1 stalk lemongrass
Water, salt and seasonings to taste.
2 bay leaves

in Indonesian

Bahan Membuat Asem Asem Bandeng :

2 ekor bandeng besar, dibersihkan dan dipotong-potong (beri sedikit air jeruk nipis serta garam agar bau lumpurnya hilang)
6 siung bawang putih (diiris tipis)
6 bh bawang merah (diiris tipis)
1 potong lengkuas (diiris seperti batang korek api)
1 potong jahe (diiris seperti batang korek api)
1 potong kunyit (diiris seperti batang korek api)
5 bh cabe rawit diiris serong (sesuai selera)
2 bh tomat
1 batang serai
Air, garam dan penyedap secukupnya.
2 lembar daun salam

How to Make Asem Asem milkfish:

     First step, the rest of his stir-fry until fragrant condiments, then rnasukkan water and salt, and wait until boiling, then just fill in the pieces of milkfish.
     Next, put tomatoes in a way cut. Then wait until the fish is cooked, then turn off the heat, then remove and serve.

Well, the recipe so short that we can say to you about the recipe to make tamarind tamarind milkfish. If you like the recipe tamarind tamarind milkfish and wants to know more recipes equally tasty and appetizing, you can try the following fish recipes: Recipes and Cooking Pepes Making Recipes Make Sate Fish Fry

in Indonesian

Cara Membuat Asem Asem Bandeng :    Langkah pertama, tumis sernua bumbu sampai harum, kemudian rnasukkan air dan garam, lalu tunggu hingga mendidih, setelah itu baru masukkan potongan ikan bandeng.
    Selanjutnya, masukkan tomat dengan cara dipotong-potong. Lalu tunggu hingga ikannya matang, setelah itu matikan api, lalu angkat dan sajikan.

Nah, demikianlah resep singkat yang dapat kami sampaikan kepada anda mengenai resep membuat asem asem bandeng. Jika anda suka dengan resep asem asem bandeng tersebut dan ingin tahu resep masakan lainnya yang juga tak kalah enak dan menggugah selera, anda bisa mencoba resep masakan ikan berikut : Resep Membuat Pepes Goreng dan Resep Membuat Sate Ikan Goreng
Please try, it's good

3. Cooking Fish Recipes Woku Balanga Typical of Manado (Resep Cara Memasak Ikan Woku Balanga Khas dari Manado)

Resep Ikan Woku Balanga asli ManadoIndonesian culinary delights is not lost with cuisines from Europe and Japan, the hallmark of Indonesian cuisine spices as well as fish recipe Woku Balangga which is a local specialty of Manado can no doubt, the article, spicy flavor of the typical cuisine delights this makes the tongue addicted.

Intrigued by what ingredients and seasonings used for cooking fish Woku? And how the process of how to make it? Let's look at secret recipe 

Ingredients Fish Woku Balanga
     750 grams of tuna or tuna, drain and clean, cut into pieces were
     2 red peppers, sliced
     3 green chillies, sliced
     3 green tomatoes, sliced
     3 scallions, sliced
     4 stalk lemongrass, bruised
     10 lbr lime leaves
     1 cup basil leaves
     2 cups water
     cooking oil
seasoning Silencer

     1 tablespoon lemon juice
Subtle Seasonings

     12 btr onion
     4 btr hazelnut
     Turmeric 1 knuckles, chopped
     2 segment finger ginger, minced

The trick Creating Original Fish Woku Manado

     The first step, Marinate fish fillets with salt and lime juice evenly, then let stand for a moment.
     Meanwhile, saute ground spices wafted aromma last until fragrant, and enter the fish and pour the water. do not forget to stalk lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves inserted. Continue to cook until the fish is tender and browned white.
     Before cooking the fish woku balangga removed, put the basil leaves and stir until wilted. Lift and Serve.

 In Indonesian

Bahan-bahan Ikan Woku Balanga

    750 gram ikan tongkol atau tuna, Siangi dan bersihkan, potong-potong sedang
    2 cabai merah, iris
    3 cabai  hijau, iris
    3 buah tomat hijau, iris
    3 batang daun bawang, iris
    4 btg serai, dikeprek
    10 lbr daun jeruk purut
    1 gelas daun kemangi
    2 gelas air
    Minyak goreng

Bumbu Peredam

    1 sendok makan air jeruk nipis

Bumbu  Halus

    12 btr bawang merah
    4 btr kemiri
    Kunyit 1 ruas jari, cincang
    Jahe 2 ruas jari, cincang

Caranya Membuat Ikan Woku Asli Manado

    Langkah pertama, Lumuri potongan ikan dengan garam dan air jeruk nipis dengan rata, lalu diamkan sejenak.
    Sementara itu, tumislah bumbu halus tadi sampai tercium aromma harum, dan masukkan ikan serta tuangi air. jangan lupa batang serai, daun jeruk purut dimasukkan. Masak terus sampai ikan empuk dan berwarna putih kecokelatan.
    Sebelum masakan ikan woku balangga diangkat, masukkan daun kemangi, dan aduk rata hingga layu. Angkat danSajikan.

Please try, it's good

4. RECIPES AND HOW TO MAKE BEEF MEATBALLS ARE GOOD TYPICAL JAVA (Resep dan Cara Membuat Bakso Daging Sapi Khas Jawa Yang enak )

resep bakso daging sapi yg enak
For you lovers of meatballs, of course not have been familiar with the name meatball beef? Well, the taste of beef meatballs is so distinctive and very different from fish balls because each has a distinct flavor characteristic. Delicacy delicious flavor and aroma so tempting tongue make the meatballs are very popular with many people. No wonder so many businesses open shop business glanced meatballs as a golden opportunity, because the number of applicants is so large meatballs and all ages make the meatballs as they vaforit menu.

Ingredients that must be prepared to make a delicious veal meatballs:
250 grams of beef, finely minced
50 g flour starch / starch
1 tablespoon garlic fried
1/2 teaspoon of pepper powder
2 tablespoons red onion fritters
1 teaspoon salt
 2 liters of water to boil meatballs
 Ice cubes are crushed

Techniques how to make veal meatballs:
1. Meat ground beef, pepper, onion, starch, and salt until blended into a completely smooth and well blended.
2. Insert the prepared ice if the batter was limp and difficult to set up, After that, heat the water to near boiling
3. Form the dough balls in the form of small spheres. You do this by holding the dough while holding up to appear in between your index finger and thumb.
4. Abil sphere that appears to use a spoon, and enter a dough that is formed into hot water earlier in Step 3.
5. Cook the meatballs until the meatball floating spheres. Remove and drain.

In Indonesian

Bahan yang harus disiapkan untuk membuat sapi bakso lezat:
250 gram daging sapi, cincang halus
50 g tepung kanji / pati 

1 sendok makan bawang putih goreng  
1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk
2 sendok makan bawang merah goreng
Garam 1 sendok teh
2 liter air untuk merebus bakso
Es batu sudah hancur

Teknik bagaimana membuat bakso sapi:

Daging sapi 1. Daging tanah, merica, bawang, pati, dan garam sampai rata menjadi benar-benar halus dan tercampur rata.

2. Masukkan es siap jika adonan lemas dan sulit untuk menyiapkan, Setelah itu, memanaskan air hingga mendekati titik didih

3. Bentuk bola adonan dalam bentuk bulatan kecil. Anda melakukan ini dengan memegang adonan sambil memegang hingga muncul dalam antara jari telunjuk dan ibu jari.

4. Abil sphere yang muncul untuk menggunakan sendok, lalu masukkan adonan yang terbentuk ke dalam air panas sebelumnya pada Langkah 3.

5. Masak bakso sampai bakso bola mengambang. Angkat dan tiriskan.

Please try, it's good

5. Rabeg typical recipe BANTEN (Resep Rabeg Khas Banten)

Rabeg is one traditional dish from Banten which uses the main ingredients of goat intestines, rack of lamb and goat liver. Curious about the taste? come on, try the following recipe.

Materials / ingredients:

200 grams of goat intestines, cleaned, braided, tied the edges
200 grams of meat goat ribs, cut into pieces
100 grams of goat liver, cut in squares
5 cm ginger, crushed
3 stalks lemongrass, take the whiteness, crushed
5 pieces of orange leaves, boned
1,500 ml of water
8 grains of red onion, thinly sliced
2 cm ginger, thinly sliced
2 curly red chilies, crushed
1 red tomatoes, cut into pieces
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground pepper
2 teaspoons brown sugar, finely combed
6 grains of cloves
2 cm cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1,000 ml of water
25 ml of soy sauce
2 tablespoons oil for sauteing
2 tablespoons fried onions for topping

How to make:

Boil the goat intestines, mutton, goat liver, ginger, lemongrass, lime leaves, and water until cooked. Remove and drain.
Heat the oil. Saute onion, ginger, and red pepper until fragrant. Add mutton, goat intestines and goat liver. Stir well.
Stir in the tomatoes, salt, pepper, brown sugar, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Stir well.
Pour water. Cook over low heat until absorbed. Add soy sauce. Stir well.
Serve after sowing fried shallots.

In Indonesian


200 gram usus kambing, dibersihkan, dikepang, diikat bagian ujungnya
200 gram daging iga kambing, dipotong-potong
100 gram hati kambing, dipotong kotak
5 cm jahe, dimemarkan
3 batang serai, diambil putihnya, dimemarkan
5 lembar daun jeruk, dibuang tulangnya
1.500 ml air
8 butir bawang merah, diiris tipis
2 cm jahe, diiris tipis
2 buah cabai merah keriting, dihaluskan
1 buah tomat merah, dipotong-potong
2 sendok teh garam
1 sendok teh merica bubuk
2 sendok teh gula merah, disisir halus
6 butir cengkeh
2 cm kayumanis
1/2 sendok teh pala bubuk
1.000 ml air
25 ml kecap manis
2 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis
2 sendok makan bawang merah goreng untuk taburan

Cara membuat:

Rebus usus kambing, daging kambing, hati kambing, jahe, serai, daun jeruk, dan air sampai matang. Angkat dan tiriskan.
Panaskan minyak. Tumis bawang merah, jahe, dan cabai merah sampai harum. Tambahkan daging kambing, usus kambing, dan hati kambing. Aduk rata.
Masukkan tomat, garam, merica bubuk, gula merah, cengkeh, kayumanis, dan pala bubuk. Aduk rata.
Tuang air. Masak di atas api kecil sampai meresap. Tambahkan kecap manis. Aduk rata.
Sajikan setelah ditabur bawang merah goreng.
Please try, it's good

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